Sunday, February 7, 2010

Literacy Instruction Grouping

In the next article I read, Grouping for Instruction in Literacy: What We've Learned about What Works and What Doesn't, Jeanne R. Paratore goes into detail about what she has observed to work in Literacy Instruction. She explains that grouping students by reading level does not work. Instead, she suggests that a flexible grouping model is much better.  Research says that students achieve higher with this kind of grouping.

To begin, students who DO struggle with reading are not just automatically given a text that is way above their capabilities. The teacher does read alouds, repeated readings, peer support, word study, and sometimes additional pull out in addition to classroom instruction. This way students who are below grade level get exposure to these techniques.

Paratore suggests that flexible grouping in reading looks as follows:

1. Community Reading- reading/listening at grade level. You can do literature circles and other student centered activities. This lasts about 45-60 minutes.
2. Just Right Reading- this is reading where kids are reading at 90% accuracy at their own level. It’s 3-4 kids, normally in small groups. Lasts about 30 minutes.
3. On Your Own Reading- This is when kids choose their own books. Lasts about 15-20 minutes.

Also suggested for the classroom is the idea of having a consistent, predictable routine. Students with disabilities can struggle with transition times. However, by having a schedule posted and by going through a daily routine, this can alleviate inappropriate behaviors. Kids like to know when they will be reading, re-reading, and writing.

Lastly, Paratore suggests that teachers should think about adding learning centers, where students can be reinforced on a particular concept at an independent level. She also mentions the use of a writer's notebook in literacy instruction, too.

To read this article, please click on the link below:

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